Orders & Payment

To modify or cancel your order, please contact our customer support at
support@solarsupersonic.com as soon as possible. To expedite your request, please
use “Urgent: Change or Cancel Order” in the email subject line and include your
request details and your phone number.

We'll do our best to accommodate your request, but keep in mind that once the
order is processed, changes may be limited.

We accept a variety of secure payment methods, including major credit cards
(Visa, MasterCard, American Express), PayPal, and other specified payment
options. During the checkout process, you can choose the method that best suits
your preferences.

Yes, we take the security of your payment information seriously. Our website
employs industry-standard encryption protocols to ensure that your personal and
financial details are protected during transactions. Rest assured, your payment
information is handled with the utmost care and security.

Once your order is placed, a confirmation email with tracking details will be
sent to you. You can also contact our customer support team at
support@solarsupersonic.com, provide your email and name associated with the order,
and we'll gladly assist you in tracking its status.

If you encounter any difficulties during the payment or checkout process,
please contact our customer support team at support@solarsupersonic.com. To
expedite your request, please use “Urgent: Problem to Checkout” in the email
subject line and include your phone number.

Kindly provide your phone number so that we can promptly reach out to assist
you in resolving any issues and ensure a smooth transaction. Your satisfaction is
our priority, and we're here to help make your shopping experience hassle-free.