Why Us

We envision a sustainable future achieved through green energy and electrification.

We strive to be your trusted solar equipment/solution provider for quality and timeliness along the way.

Our mission is to deliver top-quality solar equipment at wholesale prices, with customer satisfaction as our driving force. Every solar equipment and battery system we offer is a testament to our commitment to quality and our belief in a sustainable future by making them accessible to the everyday person and small businesses.

We are proud to be a part of the nationwide initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But more than that, we're thrilled to see individuals and businesses, just like you, join us in this pursuit of energy independence. It's not just about being cleaner or greener; it’s about making real, tangible changes in the way we power our lives

We stand out through our unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, focusing on three key principles: Quality, Speed, and Affordability.

  • Premium Quality: Our products meet rigorous manufacturing safety and quality standards. Every item is meticulously inspected by hand at our Atlanta facility.
  • Fast Shipping: We prioritize timely delivery to ensure your project stays on track. Orders are processed and shipped within 24 hours, with the option for same-day delivery for local customers.
  • Competitive Pricing: We believe in making high-quality solar equipment accessible to all. That's why we offer wholesale prices for returning customers through our Membership Program, rewarding loyalty and ensuring unbeatable prices without sacrificing quality.

Yes, we provide discounts for bulk orders. For more information, please call 404-981-3111.

We do have a distributorship program for selected products. Please contact support@solarsupersonic.com for inquiries and use the Subject "Attn: Become a Distributor". in the email. Please share some details for your business and list the items you are interested in distributing.

Our commitment to quality and safety is paramount. Each of our products meets stringent manufacturing standards, including UL, TUV, and RoHS, which are detailed on each product page for transparency. Before leaving our factories, every product undergoes rigorous quality control procedures to ensure consistency and reliability.

Furthermore, all items are meticulously packed and inspected by a dedicated team member at our Atlanta facility, guaranteeing the utmost accountability and care in handling your order.